Lesson 11: Spatial Interaction Models

In this lesson, you will learn the basic concepts and methods of Spatial Interaction Models.


January 29, 2023


March 15, 2023


  • Basic Concepts of Spatial Interaction Models
  • A Family of Gravity Models
    • Unconstrained
    • Origin constrained
    • Destination constrained
    • Doubly constrained
  • Statistical Approach
  • Interpreting and Visualising Modelling Results

Lesson Slides and Hands-on Notes

  • Lesson slides in html and pdf formats

  • Handout of Hands-on Exercise 10 in html and pdf formats.

Self-reading Before Meet-up

Read before lesson:


All About R:

  • Paul Roback and Julie Legler (2020) Beyond Multiple Linear Regression: Applied Generalized Linear Models and Multilevel Models in R, CRC Press. On line version (January 26, 2021). Chapter 4

  • Negative Binomial Regression and Poisson Regression from UCLA Institute for Digital Research & Education.