Lesson 11:
Spatial Interaction Models

Dr. Kam Tin Seong
Assoc. Professor of Information Systems(Practice)

School of Computing and Information Systems,
Singapore Management University

15 Mar 2023


  • Characteristics of Spatial Interaction Data
  • Spatial Interaction Models
    • Unconstrained
    • Origin constrined
    • Destination constrained
    • Doubly constrained

What Spatial Interaction Models are?

Spatial interaction or β€œgravity models” estimate the flow of people, material, or information between locations in geographical space.


Spatial interaction models seek to explain existing spatial flows. As such it is possible to measure flows and predict the consequences of changes in the conditions generating them. When such attributes are known, it is possible to better allocate transport resources such as conveyances, infrastructure, and terminals.

Conditions for Spatial Flows

  • Three interdependent conditions are necessary for a spatial interaction to occur:

Representation of a Movement as a Spatial Interaction

Representing mobility as a spatial interaction involves several considerations:

  • Locations: A movement is occurring between a location of origin and a location of destination. i generally denotes an origin while j is a destination.
  • Centroid: An abstraction of the attributes of a zone at a point.
  • Flows: Flows are generally expressed by a valued vector Tij representing an interaction between locations i and j.
  • Vectors: A vector Tij links two centroids and has a value assigned to it (50) which can represents movements.

Constructing an O/D Matrix

  • The construction of an origin / destination matrix requires directional flow information between a series of locations.
  • Figure below represents movements (O/D pairs) between five locations (A, B, C, D and E). From this graph, an O/D matrix can be built where each O/D pair becomes a cell. A value of 0 is assigned for each O/D pair that does not have an observed flow.

Three Basic Types of Interaction Models

  • The general formulation of the spatial interaction model is stated as Tij, which is the interaction between location i (origin) and location j (destination). Vi are the attributes of the location of origin i, Wj are the attributes of the location of destination j, and Sij are the attributes of separation between the location of origin i and the location of destination j.
  • From this general formulation, three basic types of interaction models can be derived:

Gravity Models

The general formula (also known as unconstrained):

  • Tij is the transition/trip or flow, 𝑇, between origin 𝑖 (always the rows in a matrix) and destination 𝑗 (always the columns in a matrix). If you are not overly familiar with matrix notation, the 𝑖 and 𝑗 are just generic indexes to allow us to refer to any cell in the matrix.
  • 𝑉 is a vector (a 1 dimensional matrix – or, if you like, a single line of numbers) of origin attributes which relate to the emissivity of all origins in the dataset, 𝑖 – this could be any of the origin-related variables.
  • π‘Š is a vector of destination attributes relating to the attractiveness of all destinations in the dataset, 𝑗 – similarly, this could be any of the destination related variables.
  • 𝑑 is a matrix of costs (frequently distances – hence, d) relating to the flows between 𝑖 and 𝑗.
  • π‘˜, πœ‡, 𝛼 and 𝛽 are all model parameters to be estimated. 𝛽 is assumed to be negative, as with an increase in cost/distance we would expect interaction to decrease.

Unconstrained (Totally constrained) case

The O-D Matrix

and distance matrix:

The estimated O-D matrix:

and the calculation T11

The Origin (Production) Constrained Model

In the Origin Constrained Model,

  • 𝑂𝑖 does not have a parameter as it is a known constraint.
  • 𝐴𝑖 is known as a balancing factor and is a vector of values which relate to each origin 𝑖 which do the equivalent job as π‘˜ in the unconstrained/total constrained model but ensure that flow estimates from each origin sum to the know totals 𝑂𝑖 rather than just the overall total.

Oringin (Production) constrained case

The O-D Matrix

and distance matrix:

The estimated O-D matrix:

A1 is calculated as shown below:

Hence, T11 is calculated as shown below:

The Destination (Attraction) Constrained Model

Destination (Attraction) constrained case

The O-D Matrix

and distance matrix:

The estimated O-D matrix:

B1 is calculated as shown below:

Hence, T11 is calculated as shown below:

The Doubly Constrained Model


Note that the calculation of 𝐴𝑖 relies on knowing 𝐡𝑗 and the calculation of 𝐡𝑗 relies on knowing 𝐴𝑖 – something of a conundrum to which the solution is elegantly described by Senior (1979), who sketches out a very useful algorithm for iteratively arriving at values for 𝐴𝑖 and 𝐡𝑗 by setting each to equal 1 initially and then continuing to calculate each in turn until the difference between successive iterations of the 𝐴𝑖 and 𝐡𝑗 values is small enough not to matter.

Doubly constrained case

The O-D Matrix

and distance matrix:

The estimated O-D matrix:

Hence, T11 is calculated as shown below:

Notice that A1 and B1 are computed by using computer.