Lesson 8: Geograpgically Weighted Regression


January 29, 2023


February 26, 2023

In this lesson, you will learn the basic concepts and methods of geographically weighted regression.


  • Basic concepts and principles of linear regression
    • Simple linear regression
    • Multiple linear regression
  • The spatial stationarity assumption of multiple linear regression.
  • Introducing Geographically Weighted Regression
    • Weighting functions (kernel)
    • Weighting schemes
    • Bandwidth
    • Interpreting and Visualising

Lesson Slides and Hands-on Notes

  • Lesson slides in html and pdf formats

  • Handout of Hands-on Exercise 8 in html format.

Self-reading Before Meet-up

To read before class:

  • Brunsdon, C., Fotheringham, A.S., and Charlton, M. (2002) “Geographically weighted regression: A method for exploring spatial nonstationarity”. Geographical Analysis, 28: 281-289.
  • Brunsdon, C., Fotheringham, A.S. and Charlton, M., (1999) “Some Notes on Parametric Significance Tests for Geographically Weighted Regression”. Journal of Regional Science, 39(3), 497-524.


  • Mennis, Jeremy (2006) “Mapping the Results of Geographically Weighted Regression”, The Cartographic Journal, Vol.43 (2), p.171-179.
  • Stephen A. Matthews ; Tse-Chuan Yang (2012) “Mapping the results of local statistics: Using geographically weighted regression”, Demographic Research, Vol.26, p.151-166.

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