Lesson 10: Modelling Geographic of Accessibility

A new article created using the Distill format.


December 28, 2022


March 15, 2023


  • Basic Concepts of Geographic Accessibility
  • Gravitational Law and Distance Decay Function
  • Introducing Potential Models
    • The classic model
  • Hansen Potential Accessibility Model
  • Two-step Floating Catchment Area (2SFCA) Method
  • Kernel Density Two-Step Floating Catchment Area (KD2SFCA) Method
  • Interpreting and Visualising Modelling Results

Lesson Slides and Hands-on Notes

  • Lesson slides in html and pdf formats

  • Handout of Hands-on Exercise 10 in html format.

Self-reading Before Meet-up

Read before lesson:


  • Section on “Transportation and Accessibility” in The Geography of Transport Systems.
  • Rich, D.C. (1980) Potential Models in Human Geography.
  • Orpana, T./Lampinen, J. (2003) “Building spatial choice models from aggregate data”. Journal of Regional Science,43, 2, p. 319-347.
  • Two-step floating catchment area method.
  • Cheng, Gang et. al. (2016) “Spatial difference analysis for accessibility to high level hospitals based on travel time in Shenzhen, China” Habitat International, Vol.53, p.485-494.
  • Polzin, Pierre ; Borges, José ; Coelho, António (2014) “An Extended Kernel Density Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method to Analyze Access to Health Care” Environment and planning. B, Planning & design, Vol.41 (4), p.717-735.

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