Lesson 6: Spatial Weights and Applications

Computing spatial weight is an essential step toward measuring the strength of the spatial relationships between objects. In this lesson, the basic concept of spatial weight will be introduced. This is followed by a discussion of methods to compute spatial weights.


February 21, 2023


  • Tobler’s First law of Geography
  • Principles of Spatial Autocorrelation
  • Concepts of Spatial Proximity and Spatial Weights
    • Contiguity-Based Spatial Weights: Rook’s & Queen’s
    • Distance-Band Spatial Weights: fixed and adaptive
  • Applications of Spatial Weights
    • Global measures of spatial autocorrelation
    • Correlogram

Lesson Slides and Hands-on Notes

  • Slides in html and pdf formats
  • Handout of Hands-on Exercise 6 in html

Self-reading Before Meet-up

To read before class:


  • Chapter 9: Modelling Areal Data of Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R (2nd Edition). This book is available in smu digital library. Until section 9.3.1.


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