Lesson 2: Geospatial Data Handling and Wrangling


February 21, 2023

In this lesson, R objects used to store geospatial data will be discussed. The discussion will focus on simple features and sf package. Other R packages for storing (i.e. sp), transforming (i.e. rgdal) and processing (i.e. rgeos) geospatial data will be discussed briefly too.


  • An overview of Geospatial Data Models
    • Vector and Raster data models
  • Map Projection and Georeferencing
  • Geocoding
  • Classes of Spatial Data in R
    • Spatial classes
    • Simple features class
  • R packages for Handling Spatial Data
    • sf
    • star

Lesson Slides

  • Lesson 2 slides in html and pdf formats.

Hands-on Exercise

In-class Exercise

Must read

Additional readings

All About R: