Lesson 1: Introduction to Geospatial Analytics


February 21, 2023


  • Introduction to Geospatial Analytics
    • Demystifying Geospatial Analytics
    • Geospatial Analytics vs Mapping
    • Geospatial Analytics vs GIS
    • Geospatial Analytics vs Statistical Analysis, Data Mining & Machine Learning
  • Motivation of Geospatial Analytics
  • A Tour Through the Geospatial Analytics Zoo
  • Geospatial Analytics and Social Consciousness

Lesson Slides

  • Lesson 1 slides in html and pdf formats.

In-class Exercise:

  • Installing and configuring R and RStudio
  • Installing Rtools and devtools
  • Installing and configuring git
  • Creating a github account
  • Building a course website using Quarto
  • Publishing the course website on Netlify


Hands-on Exercise


R packages for Data Science

  • tidyverse: a family of modern R packages specially designed to meet the tasks of Data Science and Analytics.
  • readr: a fast and effective library to parse csv, txt, and tsv files as tibble data.frame in R. To get started, refer to Chapter 11 Data import of R for Data Science book.
  • tidyr: an R package for tidying data. To get started, refer to Chapter 12 Tidy data of R for Data Science book.
  • dplyr: a grammar of data manipulation. To get started, read articles under Getting Started and Articles tabs.
  • ggplot2: a grammar of graphics. To get started, read Chapter 2: Data Visualization and Chapter 13 Communication of R for Data Science (2ed) book.
  • pipes: a powerful tool for clearly expressing a sequence of multiple operations. To get started, read Chapter 5 Workflow: pipes of R for Data Science (2ed) book.